Why Grass Fed Beef is Better-What You Need to Know

Mary Slanker
3 min readOct 28, 2021

Ever since the 1970s, factory farms have taken over our food system. The problem with this is that they produce meat products at a very high cost to both animals and humans alike. There are many things wrong with their practices, but one of the most important factors to consider is how it affects your health. This article will talk about what grass fed beef is and why it’s better for you than other types of meat!

First of all, grass fed beef is meat that comes from cows that eat only grass and other foraged foods. It’s important to note that these animals can still be fed grains; however, they should not make up the majority of their diet. The reason why this makes such a big difference in your health (and theirs) is that grain-fed meats contain more omega-fatty acids than those who are grass finished. This has been proven by many scientists around the world — even including Dr. Mercola. Omega fatty acids help prevent cardiovascular disease as well as certain cancers!

This means you’ll have less chance of developing heart conditions or cancer if you choose to switch over to 100% grass fed beef products instead of factory-farmed meats.

Grass fed beef also contains higher concentrations of conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) than the grain-fed version, which is known to help burn fat and lower cancer risks!

This means that grass finished cattle are much healthier for you than their counterparts — but what about taste? Some people may wonder if grass fed meat tastes any different from its factory-farmed counterpart; it does not. Grass finishing does not affect flavor or texture in most cases because many ranchers will allow them to graze freely just like they would naturally before feeding them hay or silage during cold winter months where the grass isn’t available. The only difference you might notice between the two is a bit more marbling with 100% grass fed due to the healthier diet. This means that grass finished beef is also higher in healthy Omega-three fatty acids, giving you even more nutritional value than grain finished meat!

Grass fed animals are much different from those raised for mass production and many people choose to switch over because of these differences:

Grass fed meats are typically leaner and lower in calories because they aren’t fattened up with grains.

100% grassfed beef has been shown to contain higher levels of healthy Omega three fatty acids, which help contribute to a healthy heart. Grain finished red meats tend to be higher in unhealthy saturated fats, while also lacking many other nutrients found naturally in grass finished beef including Vitamins A & E as well as Iron among others!

Animals raised for mass production will often find themselves living within dirty conditions where disease can run rampant quickly through a herd. Studies show that 100% grassfinished cattle only need .02-.03 servings of antibiotics per year compared to finished cows who require 20+ servings of antibiotics per year!

Because grass finished beef is raised naturally, they live healthier lives which makes for a happier and more nutritious product. Grassfed steak meats are leaner than grain-finished red meats making them easier to cook with at home. The lower fat content also means that you will be consuming fewer calories overall leading to weight loss or management efforts as well as increased energy levels throughout the day!


Grass-fed beef is not only better for your health, but also supports local economies. The meat’s flavor and tenderness are superior to grain fed beef. If you’re interested in switching or want to learn more about the benefits of grass-feeding cows, read our blog post conclusion below! We hope that you found this article helpful and informative.



Mary Slanker

I am Mary Slanker and I am a food blogger. I have three years of work experience and enjoy reading novels and cooking. https://www.texasgrassfedbeef.com/